Words carry power. Are the words you use within your product creating division or a connection with your audience?
5-10 minutes
If people don’t understand or feel offended by the words used to promote a product, or within the experience of the product, they are less likely to adopt it. The ‘Wordblock’ activity can be used both to begin a discussion around language or to identify words that may be unfamiliar, offensive, or that trigger negative associations or experiences.
MAterials Needed
A list, or wordblock, of words used within the experience and/or promotion of a product. Consider focusing on words used at a particular stage of an experience, like installation or account creation.
Writing utensils
Sticky notes or colored dots
How It’s Useful
For Development Teams
Identity problem words
Help establish language that is inclusive, approachable and familiar for communities
For Product Teams
Identity problem words
Help establish language that is inclusive, approachable and familiar for communities
Create and promote inclusion
Promote understanding
For Organizations & Trainers
Create and promote inclusion
Find and replace language and terms that are harmful
Promote understanding
Example Outcome
Why We Love It
Accessibility and inclusion are key for adoption! We value common language that ensures words and concepts are relevant and empowering among communities. ‘Wordblock’ helps get the conversation started.
Get It Here!
In the facilitator guide, you’ll find all the instructions you need to deploy this activity. You can choose to print the activities, run them digitally, or go paperless. Have fun!
View ‘Our Research Principles’ for insight into what we consider when planning an engagement.