I like it! I love it! I want some more of it! Get a quick overview of how the group reacts to your tool.
5 minutes
Emojis are a fun and quick way to capture the overall feeling of participants — whether asking about a specific tool, interface, training, or even their day. The ‘Quick Reactions’ activity allows participants to honestly show their 👍 or 👎 without having to explain themselves.
MAterials Needed
Printed emoji faces
Your feelings :)
How It’s Useful
For Development Teams
A visual representation of data
Gauge adoption
For Product Teams
Gauge adoption
Gauge group feelings
Have fun!
For Organizations & Trainers
Gauge group feelings
Have fun!
Example Outcome
Why We Love It
We love it! The ‘Quick Reactions’ activity takes the pressure out of answering questions. It’s fast, fun and you get a great photo while maintaining privacy!
Get It Here!
In the facilitator guide, you’ll find all the instructions you need to deploy this activity. You can choose to print the activities, run them digitally, or go paperless. Have fun!
View ‘Our Research Principles’ for insight into what we consider when planning an engagement.